Opening: Music Educator
Marin Music Lessons, a division of Power of Music, LLC.
Mission: The mission of Power of Music and Marin Music Lessons is to empower and enhance people’s lives through music.
Location: Marin County (mostly San Rafael, California) and some lessons remotely depending on evolving Covid Safety precautions.
Hours: Approximately 6 - 12 hours per week between the hours of 3-7pm Monday, Tues, Wed or Thurs.
Compensation: Competitive and commensurate with experience.
Start Date: Lessons start in Sept 2021 with orientation in July or August 2021.
Music Educator Opening: Marin Music Lessons seeks a Music Educator who is passionate about teaching music to youth and adults. Music Educators who are experienced teaching beginning and intermediate piano are encouraged to apply.
Marin Music Lessons shares the love of music with all ages. Students as young as four learn Piano, Drums, Guitar or Ukulele. Most lessons are in the Bret Harte Neighborhood of San Rafael, some lessons are at students' homes throughout Marin County and others can be on-line individual and group lessons. Explore our website
Experience teaching music and tailoring lessons for students' unique needs is valuable. Qualifications include experience with children ages 4 through 12, ability to teach a skill in manageable parts, piano skills including musically accompanying students' playing, openness to learn basic skills in additional instruments, ability to facilitate relaxation and experienced facilitating music improvisation.
About Power of Music: Power of Music currently has three divisions:, founded in 1997, provides services for people with special needs such as Alzheimer’s. provides music lessons. And provides drum programs for therapeutic, educational and team building needs. Music services are provided by professional Music Therapists or Music Educators. We are based in San Rafael, California, serve the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and also provide online music programming. The in-person services follow the most cautious of current local and national safety guidelines. We value and strive to be inclusive, collaborative, kind, flexible, knowledgeable, positive, open-minded, committed to on-going learning, organized, creative and service oriented.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Kathy Quain, Founder of Power of Music, LLC, at