Music Educators - Andrea Cliscagne

Music Educator Andrea Cliscagne teaches piano, ukulele and mallet instruments including marimba. In addition, she is active as a Board Certified Music Therapist, church musician and performer having mastered a variety of styles including jazz piano. She sings a diverse repertoire including songs in Tagalog, Spanish, French, Hawaiian, Konkani and Mandarin and integrates American Sign Language for individuals who benefit.
She is a graduate of the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA with a major in music therapy and a minor in Speech Language Pathology. She completed her six month internship with Music for Therapy in January 2020, helping to serve children, teens, adults and seniors including individuals with Alzheimer’s. She completed two years of music therapy fieldwork serving groups of many ages including children.
Andrea applies her degrees to help individuals of various backgrounds, needs and abilities to improve their lives and reach their personal goals.